Looking for Book Lists? Check this out!

By |2016-11-07T10:57:38-05:00December 15th, 2015|Blog Posts, Books|

Publisher’s Weekly has collated some of 2015’s best lists of books for kids and teens including their own best-of! Source: Publishers' Weekly: A Roundup of 2015's Best Book Lists for Kids and Teens I really appreciate the fact that the books that were chosen come from a wide variety of sources. Canadian, British and

Holiday Resources for Librarians and Teachers

By |2016-11-07T10:57:39-05:00December 8th, 2015|Blog Posts, Books, Videos|

It's Hanukkah!  But what is Hanukah, and what is Kwaanza? What is Ramadan? How do people around the world celebrate Christmas? How were holidays celebrated in the past? These questions come up time after time and time in classes across Quebec and Canada. There are a number of resources that librarians and teachers can use

The Interesting Stuff That’s Out There: Online conference, free kids’ news source and more!

By |2019-05-17T10:04:42-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Cool Tools, Digital Citizenship, Professional Development, Webinars and Conferences|

Over the summer and at the beginning of the school year, many of us just can't walk away from the library world when we're on vacation. As we sit down to morning coffee, we might see websites, articles and blog posts that we think might be of interest to others.  Here are a few from

Malala Yousafzai on Books and Reading

By |2016-11-07T10:57:43-05:00June 2nd, 2015|Blog Posts, Books|

If you think that books don't have an impact on the lives of children, watch this film and you'll change your mind.  Nobel Prizewinner, Malala Yousafzai talks about how reading the biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. taught her that the fight for equality could be won. This inspired Malala to begin her own campaign

How Something So Small Went So Big

By |2019-05-17T10:29:24-04:00May 26th, 2015|Blog Posts, Books, School Libraries|

  Source: How the Little Free Library project launched a global trend. This is a fun posting that I've seen on various social media sites: Tiny Libraries. The Little Free Libraries Project shows that stories and books are still seen as important in our society and as something that should be available to

Promoting Canadian Identity and Diversity in Your Library

By |2017-11-13T12:19:22-05:00May 12th, 2015|Bibliographies, Blog Posts, Books, School Libraries, Videos|

Leading Learning, the Canadian Library Association's publication of school library standards, states that, "Our school libraries should reflect our common values of equity, diversity, and cultural identity as well as best approaches in the educational and library professions."  In several standards, it stipulates that print and digital collections are inclusive and support Canadian identity as well as the information needs of all

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