Welcome to the Fostering Literacies (Green) page.

The Library Learning Commons, with its staff, spaces and technologies, can play a key role in promoting traditional literacy as well as critical literacy, information literacy and digital/media literacy. This standard emphasizes the importance of creating an active reading culture and an expanded notion of literacy in our schools.

In order to achieve your bronze level badge in this area, you will complete three (3) badges for each of the sub-themes contained in this standard: Engaging Readers, Information and Digital Literacy, and Cultural Literacy and Literacy Partners.  Once you have achieved badges for all three sub-themes, your Fostering Literacies  (Green) – Bronze Level badge will be automatically awarded to you.

To achieve your silver badge, you will explore more resources in greater depth and then create a plan for moving your library forward in this area. Don’t worry, we will guide you along the way!

Finally to achieve the gold level badge, you will be asked to submit evidence of meeting the goals that you set out in your plan. You can use a variety of media to demonstrate the ways in which you have fostered a variety of literacies.

Let’s start our journey!

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Fostering Literacies – Bronze / Exploring

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Fostering Literacies – Silver

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Fostering Literacies – Gold

All images associated with the Library Learning Commons, were created by the Canadian Library Association, and are used here (including the Digital Badges on this site) under CC by 2.5 CA